Category: College Work

  • Year 1 – Week 20

    Year 1 – Week 20

    This week I reviewed my website against others within the VFX/3D modelling industry and looked to see how my site compared.

  • Year 1 – Week 19

    Year 1 – Week 19

    for the first lesson we began creating a 3D horror game environment. I did this by adding a dark sky box. limited lighting and very little visibility. I also learnt how to create particles and I began by adding dust as well as rain to improve the games quality of life. This gave a sense…

  • Week 18 (Assessment Week)

    Week 18 (Assessment Week)

    Lunar New Year for the assessment week we were tasked with the goal of creating something to do with lunar new year. First, I went through Pinterest and Vimeo to gain some inspiration and ideas to aid in my creation. After spending time on those two websites I then came up with the idea of…

  • Year 1 – Week 17

    Year 1 – Week 17

    For the majority of week 17, I spent my time working on my Red dead inspired room from week 16. I started by changing the texture from the walls into a wooden tile style to mimic slats which at first didn’t work but after some tweaking, i eventually got it to work. I followed the…

  • Year 1 – Week 16

    Year 1 – Week 16

    Lesson 1 For the first lesson. We began by creating a 3D room in Blender based on one of our favourite games. i based mine off of Red dead redemption as I believe that the aesthetic that the game gives off is very natural and cosy. I began by creating the outline of the room…

  • Year 1 – Week 15

    Year 1 – Week 15

    For the first lesson of the week, we began by reviewing the movie “Klaus”. what I gained was that they used their own voices as sort of structure to help with the animation before the voice actors came in. They also used they’re own acting as a way to help aid the drawing process. Next…

  • Year 1 – Week 14

    Year 1 – Week 14

    Question of the Day what is 2D animation? for me, 2D animation is a collage of moving pictures around 24 frames per second. combined into one video. it allows you to create things that are near impossible in the real world and can be done by almost anybody. 2d animation is an animation created in…

  • Year 1 – Week 13 (Assessment Week)

    Year 1 – Week 13 (Assessment Week)

    As week 13 was an assessment week I was not required to come in as I could do it from home. I decided that for this week I would stay at home and work from my home computer as I have the requirements to use the software. For the first lesson I began creating concept…

  • Year 1 – Week 12

    Year 1 – Week 12

    For the entirety of Week 12, I focused on completing my 2D game using the assets and game kit that we were given. First I started by implementing the game outline as the background to allow me to understand what I have to work with. Next, I began creating the playeable area on the tilemap…

  • Year 1 – Week 11

    Year 1 – Week 11

    Games Design Document 1. Title Page 1.1. Game Name –  2. Game Overview 2.1. Game Concept – a 2D platformer that takes you around the body of a car. 2.2. Genre – Fantasy; Modern; platformer. 2.3. Target Audience – any age but mainly late teens and young adults. 2.4. Game Flow Summary – The game…

  • Year 1 – Week 10

    Year 1 – Week 10

    Games development Today I played battleship, The Oregon trail and Zork.  Within Battleship, the challenges were mathematical decisions based on prior knowledge of the game that’s being played. Within The Oregon trail, the challenges were making sure that all rations were spent wisely and only used when really needed. And within Zork, the challenges were…

  • Year 1 – Week 9

    Year 1 – Week 9

    D&D Wrap-up Humanoid character For my humanoid character I started by researching reference images on Pinterest. Eventually I came up with a few ideas for each section. I also worked on a colour scheme that matched, by using a website known as Next, I began to work on my character turnaround sheet. I first…