Category: College Work


    The Theme – Mystery For my final year at Milton Keynes College the theme provided for the Final Major Project (FMP) is “mystery”. Mystery is an extremely broad, yet fascinating subject. From century old tales of the paranormal, to unsolved crimes, to historical monuments and places – discovered or yet still to be discovered. A…

  • Week 19 – St. Marks Meal Challenge

    Week 19 – St. Marks Meal Challenge

    Energiser What makes the following characters appealing? Extension – I believe these characters would actively raise awareness for healthier lifestyles by advertising fitness and food. The Appeal behind Minions The Minions is notoriously known to be lighthearted and humourous, this is due to its simplistic styles and its ability to create humour without words, using…

  • Year 1 Showreel

    Year 1 Showreel

    During December I decided to put together a quick 60 second showreel of the work I created in year 1. This has subsequently helped me secure a part-time work experience position at a new, local VFX studio, more on that soon. Take a watch, I hope you like it as much as I have creating…

  • Year 2 – Unit 9/10

    Year 2 – Unit 9/10

    What does urban fantasy mean to you? In my eyes, urban fantasy is quite literally a fictional place inhabited by a large population. whether it is set in a dystopian future, or on an unknown planet, the setting has to be fictional but somewhat realistic in comparison to just real world urbanisation. The scenario The…

  • Year 2 – Texturing

    Year 2 – Texturing

    What is a texture? A texture is an image or drawing wrapped around a 3D mesh. What is a material? A material is a shader that can be procedural to give a basic format such as brick or wave patterns What does unwrapping mean? Unwrapping is when you grab a 3D mesh and convert it…

  • Year 2 – Week 9

    Year 2 – Week 9

    Lesson 1 – Starter ZBrush hotkeys X – Mirror tool ALT –  inverse of the tool used A – turns object into mesh CTRL Z – undo SHIFT – lock object in place/ smooth mesh For the first lesson we were going over the basics of Zbrush to remind ourselves on how to use it.…

  • Year 2 – Week 8

    Year 2 – Week 8

    Starter task – what is the difference between 3D modelling and 3D sculpting 3D modelling is the creating a model from scratch with no aid of pre-built meshes. Whereas sculpting is the warping and changing of a pre-built mesh to create a new one. Zbrush learning To set up Zbrush to create basic meshes you…

  • Year 2 – Unit 12 Essay

    Year 2 – Unit 12 Essay

    Unit 12 is about writing an essay based on one of the questions set by our tutors. I chose the question below of the effect of 3D packages on the industry. Below is my first draft. The effect of 3D packages on the animation industry  Since the late 1980’s 3D packages and software have vastly…

  • Year 1 – Final term of year 1

    Year 1 – Final term of year 1

    For the final term of year 1 we were given the ability to do almost anything we could imagine. wether that be an idea of an alien to a game world. This would be a great way to expand on out portfolio and improve any of our skills that we have been working on. My…

  • Year 1 – FMP (Production)

    Year 1 – FMP (Production)

    For Monday and Wednesday’s lessons I began by getting myself used to creating explosions withing Blender. this would be the first step in creating my supernova explosion and without it I will not be able to create a realistic explosion. after watching several YouTube videos, of which one of them is shown below, and several…

  • Year 1 – Week 24 (Assessment Week)

    Year 1 – Week 24 (Assessment Week)

    For our assessment week, we were tasked with creating something that takes inspiration from Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings books at first I thought of creating the ring but then came to realise it would be too simple and so I decided by creating a Hobbit hole instead. The first thing I began doing…

  • FMP (Research and Pitch)

    FMP (Research and Pitch)

    The pitch For the beginning of my FMP we started by pitching a few ideas to my tutors. I came up with 3 ideas and did a brief storyboard of each one. My three ideas that I came up with were given the names “battery-powered billboard”; “Houston, we have lift-off”; and “The medium sized bang”.…